Burned By Frauds?

Yeah me, too, early in my career. I embarrassingly paid for two different services when I was young and didn’t know better. I paid them and, guess what, lost every game they recommended. The other scam out there is 800 numbers that tell everyone they’ve got a surefire lock, but their scam is that they give out one team to 50% of the callers and 50% to the other callers. Half of the callers think this handicapper is a genius and pays up again the following weeks because they won the first week, only to have their money taken as those fake handicappers are exposed for what they are…frauds! A huge reason I became a public handicapper is to help build transparency as I post my record – good or bad. I post recap videos where I explain where I was right and where I was wrong. Subscribe today and be on the right side with a guy who’s been in your shoes. Subscribe today with a handicapper who’s real, transparent, and successful! Let’s win together!

How important is defense in sports betting?

I Always Get Defensive…

Other handicappers and the Public mostly or only look at a team’s Offense when selecting who wins. I do just the opposite! I FIRST look at the Defense as they dictate the outcome of games far more often than not. If a handicapper you’re listening to doesn’t look at or understand defenses, it’s time to drop them and jump on board with Uncle Phil. Get Defensive, subscribe today, and Let’s Roll together!

What are the keys to Uncle Phil’s sports betting success?

I take a disciplined approach playing “under the radar games”. I play games where I see advantages and mismatches where the Public hasn’t yet fully appreciated the gift Vegas has given us that week. That being said, I also play “center stage prime-time” games as long as I see a mismatch that the Public doesn’t. Join and subscribe today so we can both win together!

What is Uncle Phil’s approach to making picks?

Similar to stock investing, there are two types of approaches when handicapping games: Technical Analysis and a Fundamental Approach. I take into consideration both ways when looking at games, but rely heavily on the Fundamental Approach. I only handicap games where I have watched the two teams play – except at the first of the year where I start slow and only recommend games of teams that I have researched heavily. Start slow and build your roll is my motto. Subscribe today and let’s build our roll together!

Who is Uncle Phil?

I have 37 years of professional handicapping experience. Whatever mistakes you’ve made, double them for me. Fortunately, I made them early in my career and they didn’t blow me out of the water – instead, I learned from them and you get to benefit from the mistakes I made without the pain of making them. Subscribe today so we can both beat the man together!